Tuesday, September 29, 2009

About Me & Design Goals

Hi I’m Nancy. I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. I came to UC to study Industrial Design. Truthfully, I found out about Industrial Design through an online career quiz I took when I was a senior in high school. Previously, I wanted to enter into a medical career. Since I’ve never heard of ID before , it peaked my interest. When I researched into this field I became more and more interested. My senior year in high school I took a class, Mentorship, and studied under a working Industrial Designer at a local consultancy. I like what I saw and it led me to where I am now.

One of my favorite things about Industrial Design is the problem solving. A big interest of mine is puzzles. Call me a nerd, I don’t care. I love solving anything from numbers to logic to word puzzles. I LOVE puzzles.

Some past co-op experiences I’ve had are a double at Haney PRC and the most recent at Fisher Price. At Haney PRC, a packaging consultancy in Mariemont, I worked in a small team of 3 designers working on anything from ArtiosCAD designs, Rhino renders of packages or in the shop on an actual prototype. From this experience I know that packaging is a field I can do, but I wouldn’t be interested in it. I do not regret the experience at all though, I loved the responsibility given to me at this co-op. I was given some projects directly from their clients. At Fisher Price I worked on the Infant team. While at Fisher Price, I got to work on a few products that will come out on the market soon. I am very grateful for the experience since I solely worked on these products from start to finish. From this experience, I could see myself in the career of toys. But my next co-op I want to do work in a completely different field, so I can experience other types of design that my interest me.

Now that I’m back at school, I want to make sure I get a co-op next quarter. What better way to do this than improve my skills? Here are my goals:

- As an upperclassman I am still unsure about my sketching skills. I have not quite found my style yet and know this is something I want to improve on. I just want to feel confident in my sketching and not hesitate.
-I want to increase my speed of sketching. Though I feel as if I can create a decent sketch, I don’t think my speed is up to par.
-I want to be able to better show my design process. I want to document this to better my portfolio.

That’s all for now,